Electronic Product Solutions

Directed is a full service electronic design and manufacturing  company that provides expert services to a diverse range of clients across a range of industry and technology sectors.

Being a fully integrated service provider means Directed can take a product from concept to production, by providing expert services and guidance at every step of the product development journey, thus ensuring that what we deliver is what was expected. We also provide supply chain solutions for electronic products like returns management and product configurations.

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Network Partners

Expert Partners You Can Rely On

Ideas, Products, Projects & Partnerships

We pride ourselves on delivering solutions of the highest quality with a quick turnaround time to meet your requirements. At the same time we understand each client is different, therefore we are flexible in our approach as well.

Industries We Serve





What makes us special?

At Directed we build long term relationships with our clients and suppliers. Our focus is to provide great quality products at the best price in fastest time. 

We strategically plan and manage all interactions with our suppliers. There is consistent collaboration to harness our collective talents and ideas for the benefit of our clients.

Of equal importance is the need to assure that our supply chain meets the stringent quality, compliance and sustainability demands of our clients.

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    Strong Relationships
    Effective Processes
    Global Network
    Quality Products